June 18, 2019

News test

WALL-MAN platforms to Brazil

WALL-MAN platforms run all over the world! Wall-Man pneumatic lifts are used in more than 40 countries world-wide. Excellent performance and high quality materials are the key factors to the...

Air supply for the WALL-MAN pneumatic lift

The WALL-MAN is an efficient tool with regards to painting large vehicles. In this article, we will focus on the different methods of the air supply for the WALL-MAN pneumatic...

Sanding inside the preparation booth

Preparation of an object, ie train, truck commercial vehicle, tram, sometimes involves sanding the object. Sanding to have a perfect finish. Sanding itself will cause dust to flow around the...

Effective removal of welding smoke… How?

Plutonium - Chromium IV - Tobacco smoke - UV radiation. These are substances that sound scary and have been known as very harmful for many years, and much effort has...

Reglo is now NS-EN ISO 9001:2015 recertified until 2022

Reglo has been NS-EN ISO 9001:2015 certified since 08/09-2016. Reglo has annually been audited. Reglo has now been recertified as supplier of pneumatically operated work platforms/lifts for painting, preparation and/or...

Working at height: Why do we not listen?

Did you know that fall from heights is the number one cause of occupational fatalities in the construction industry? What does that tell us? Are they more casual about safety...

A review of the year 2018 at Reglo

A review of the year 2018 at Reglo 2018 has passed and we are well into 2019. 2018 was a very good year for Reglo. Not only did Reglo increase...